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Showing posts from September, 2019

Internet of things (IOT) ....! by SibliCode

As we all known aware that technologies are now developing at a rapid pace. Today we will learn some ways that how IoT plays a significant role in our business..!!! So, the internet of things is one of the biggest trends emerging nowadays as we know all technological devices can be connected to the internet and to each other also. So, the internet of things is basically the interconnection of devices over the internet, it allows devices to communicate with us, with applications, and with many other devices. There are some important advantages of IoT mentioned below - Business Opportunities: IOT build strong business cases increase return on investment and offer opportunities for new business by introducing a new way to interact with customers, production, workflow, etc. it helps companies to benefit by offering the practical solutions evolved by advanced business services and models. Enhance productivity: IoT provide real-time training to employees, help them to create bet

C#....! ----> C Sharp, What's this..? Answer by Siblicode.

C# is one of the most convenient programming languages among them all. Today, you will be introduced to some basics of the C# programming language......!!! C# language is also recognized as C sharp language. C# is a programming language of .Net Framework; it is one of the most popular programming languages introduced by Microsoft, especially used as the language that runs in the backend. It is used to develop software for the Microsoft platform but also used to develop software for, Android, Linux, and iOS systems as well. C# is highly multilateral and can be used to create a tone of projects, including but not limited to mobile apps, enterprise software, cloud-based services, and games. Also, it enables developers to build solutions for the wide range of clients, including Microsoft Windows Forms-based applications Web applications, and smart-client devices. The purpose of C# is a programming language that is easy to learn and supports modern-day functionality for all

Know about jQuery, Why its compulsory for frontend developer

It is important for website developers to learn jQuery because it is worth the effort, time, and money and especially includes a key component of HTML5. This library can offer some really stunned out effects on your website, which will definitely bring success. jQuery has all the tools you need to build a website or web app that is interactive and highly engaging we will start with Jquery !!!! As we know, jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library that simplifies the interaction between an HTML/CSS document, or more precisely the DOM and JavaScript. jQuery proves easy to learn and intuitive as the library is built using simpler and shorter codes. Web developers especially use JavaScript to fetch the required functionality to websites which they have to create, and it proves to be one of the best tools that offer a great deal of flexibility and power to web designers. You will find an Infinitude list of resources and information about jquery on the in

What is AJAX ? Don't know - don't worry, SibliCode gives you answer.

AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. It basically, described as a set of development techniques used for building websites and web applications. It allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging a little amount of data with the server at the back of the scenes. Apparently which means that it is possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page and reduces the traffic travels between the client and server. AJAX cannot be considered as a single technology or a programming language but it is a modern technique for creating superior, faster, and more interactive web applications with the help of HTML, CSS, XML and Java Script . In which responses time is faster and help in increasing performance and speed. Ajax is mainly used in client-side programming to permit for data to be sent and received to and from a database server. The best attribute of Ajax programming that you can exchange data in the background without actually

The .Net framework - basic info by SibliCode

The .Net framework is a software development platform developed by Microsoft The framework was meant to create applications, which helps to run on the Windows Platform. The framework favors various programming languages such as Visual Basic and C#. So developers can choose and select the language to develop the required applications. It’s the most popular platform used for a lot of various types of applications as it provides the programming environment for the majority of software development stages. The .NET Framework comprises a group of standard class libraries. And a class library is a compilation of methods and functions that can be used for the core purpose. Developing applications using .Net framework is very substantial and highly secure with great virtue. .NET framework best suits for the businesses that look for a wide spectrum of features like desktop software, web-based services, and cloud infrastructure support. .Net platform helps in red